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Roman Blinds

Roman blinds have a multitude of fabric choices which allows you to achieve more space within the room, fitted inside or outside the window recess. Combined with the right fabric designs, Roman blinds can wistfully take you from French Country to New York High Fashion or our favourite, NZ chic.

Roller Blinds

Rollers are an excellent alternative to curtains where space is limited, budget is tight or a minimalist look is required. An incredibly vast fabric selection to choose from, made either in solid block-out or sun-filter, with options to set on double brackets to accommodate both privacy and light control. Check out our designer range for operating systems that are extra special.

Venetian Blinds

Custom made Venetian blinds are available in aluminium, wood, or regenerated wood.  These blinds provide maximum light control and privacy. By lifting or tilting you can get perfect natural lighting or block out for privacy in any room, available in a variety of colour options.


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